Oct 4, 2022 09:24 PM
Insiders Q&A
Halloween Event Prizes!!
All together
Side Note
- Looking for people who are experienced with pixel art, if you are or know anyone who is, send Cam (Cam ツ#9844) a DM with some example work!
- Also, if you’re a good builder, submit a builder application here
Guest Questions
Any movies or shows coming up that you are looking forward to see? (Just saw a post about the Mario movie and it looks promising) - Office4Life
- Cam: Andor (the new Star Wars show), watching Cobra Kai
- Soggy: going to rewatch the original Hocus Pocus and then watch the new one for the first time, watching House of Dragons and LOTR
- Mouske: Hocus Pocus 2, just watched Better Call Saul and have been watching Starkid so looking forward to watching more of those
- Portal: Multiverse of Madness (really behind on Marvel, haven’t even watched No Way Home or Eternals!)
What other games do you play when not on Minecraft? (Doesn't the Hogwarts game in development look 🔥) - Office4Life
- Cam, Portal, Soggy: Yes Hogwarts game looks fire
- Soggy: OVERWATCH 2!! Wild Rift, New World
- Portal: Dreamlight Valley, Phasmophobia, Roblox Bingo, Portal
- Mouske: Splatoon 3 lately, Mario Kart, Peglin
- Cam: Peglin and Valorant
- MOUSKE’S BIG ANNOUNCEMENT: GEX is $1.50 on GoG rn go get it
Cam or any other staff: you in school? Have a full-time job? Or neither and this is full-time job with no school? - Office4Life
- Cam: This is his full-time job, not in school. Was working full-time at another company for about 6-7 months but came back to doing this full-time
- Soggy: Has a full-time job apart from this, not in school, also has a few side-gigs
- Mouske: In school full-time, just started a part-time job. This is his real full-time job
- Portal: This was Portal’s full-time job, but just got a part-time job too!
- Slinx: Does real-life theme park work, very cool
Cam and any other Staff: If you could develop or build anything that is IRL Disney atm right now what would it be? (ex: RotR, Web shooter, updated firework system, world of colors) - Office4Life
- Soggy: Soarin’
- Portal: Tiki Room
- Cam: Tiki Room, crazy rides like RotR (will get there one day!) — also Cam just leaked that Mr Unicorn dev baguette man is working on crazy tech that would significantly increase the likelihood of Soarin’ around California happening
- Mouske: Tiki Room, RotR (has planned everything in his head including release trailer, major plans and can’t wait for it to happen)
What is a slide token??? - Mystic
- We legally cannot answer this thank you and goodnight
Server (general)
Tell us the origins story of how Imagine Fun came to be and how you ended up on IF. (There is a rumor that IF was offered a buyout and staff declined, good move!) - Office4Life
- Mouske’s storytime:
- IF started with Slinx, Mouske, and another former Imagineer
- All met on Haxiclesticks which was shut down, then they were given the map to host it when it closed
- February 2018: Branched off from that hosting and started their own
- Started with the train station which Mouske built on single player
- Offered 3 buyouts
- 2 from same person, a server that was bigger than them at the time
- One that offered money (a couple hundred bucks) is not around anymore
- Turned down because we didn’t really care about the money and still don’t, this is a passion project and want to keep working on it
- The other server didn’t offer money but offered the team positions as builders on the server
- Cam’s origin story:
- worked with iMod on another server beforehand. One night was chatting with a mutual friend who told him about IF, he messaged iMod, and the day that he joined he started making Discord bots (e.g., v1 of ChatBot which has since been replaced by Foolish’s HelpDesk bot) and working for the server
- Joined in May 2020, became an Imagineer in October 2020
- Portal’s origin story:
- Friends with a previous Imagineer, had worked on Haxiclesticks post-Mouske’s era there
- During TikTok boom, the previous Imagineer told her that IF was getting busy, she offered to help and joined to mod
- Soggy’s origin story:
- Saw a Reddit post about Disneyland during covid when he was sad to be living in SoCal when DL was closed
- Joined around the same time as the TikTok boom, joined, and then got hired the day afterward because of experience with moderation
- Joined April 9th, 2020
- Life got crazy, left for a little, then came back
What was the reason for the name change back in 2020 from ImagineeringFun to ImagineFun? (yes I still remember that) - Faded
- Legal perspective — “Imagineering” is trademarked and didn’t know that beforehand
- Lowering the threat of lawsuit!
- Flows better!
What was the first ever ride? - The Laughing Burger
- First 2 to release: Peter Pan’s Flight and Buzz
- Buzz was more or less operational (in most basic form)
- Next: Space
Will Imagine Fun be trademarked or be planned to be trademarked? - Mineez
- No plan to, it’s expensive
How many opening day tickets did you guys put into the game when you first opened? - Avery
- Don’t know the exact number, just had a command block that gave it to everyone
- Very few people who are still around, would guess that there were ~40 in existence ever
- Cam’s storytime: about a year ago, running around on local server and found that live servers had a button that would’ve given every online player an opening day ticket which would have been disastrous but luckily nobody found and pressed it
I'm curious what does the Imagine Fun address look like and the connection? Is there a Imagine Fun office there? 109 E. 17th St. Suite #5783, Cheyenne, WY 82001 - Office4Life
- It’s a business entity address for the LLC, that’s a mailbox in a wall! **But PLEASE don’t send mail, we won’t receive anything sent there
- We actually live and work there please don’t visit us /j
When will Small World be built? - Office4Life (jokingly) - Laughing Burger (seriously)
- Infinite backburner, lot of reasons why it’s taking so long
Anything you guys would wanna make outside of disney? could be stuff from games or movies or even other theme parks idc - Clacio
- Cam would definitely want to get into newer discord features to make bots that do cool stuff
Is IF looking to expand the builder and staff because of the workload current staff is seeing? - Office4Life
- Yes, definitely (especially for builders)! Also internationals pls apply <3
- A lot different from the height of the pandemic when people were home all the time
Would you guys consider adding more things to the mall? i feel like it’s pretty empty and it hasn’t been updated much since it opened apart from fnaf 4 and the fall guys parkour. ik it’s not the main focus obviously but it’s pretty cool - Clacio
- Getting an update pretty soon, gaining the Penthouse Parkour
- There will be a lot more FNAF added/hidden soon
- There may be a Mario race course that may be almost completed and may become part of a minigame soon
Just like how there’s ducks all around the park would you maybe consider adding cats everywhere like irl? maybe even a calico cat possibly maybe theoretically :0 - Clacio
- That would certainly be cute! Mouske would like to do that at some point, like locations where real cats are wandering Grizzly Peak
Penny (the character) update maybe pretty please? - Insider Disn3rd
- Penny is Mouske’s favorite character and nothing more has been done with her yet, would like to do more with her in the future to develop the storyline
- So many things to do with the characters, love them very much, never enough time ): especially for voice acting to get things together for stuff like Newswire
- Would like to do a special on the YT channel with them when time permits
Will things outside of the park be developed? - Laughing Burger
- Yes, there’ll be things outside of the park someday — not too far but basic surroundings
Also hows the wiki coming along? - Jaxson
- It’s coming along
- “We are vibing, we are updating as we go, if you want specific pages on the wiki let me know and we can incorporate them :D” -Ambi
Are there any plans on more IF Characters? - Spooky Mineez
Will MyIF ever come back - Lyssa
- Don’t think MyIF will but a replacement for it is in the works
- Working on a public API people can use to build cool things for stats
This sounds kinda weird but could there be any way that mail could be a thing with Santa with christmas. like a way where someone could put to:username from:username in a book and you get a notif when you get one then you could reply - Cafe
- Cam is working on something like this right now — a mailbox system where people can mail other players items
Plans for new pins? - Spooky Mineez
- Yes whenever Mouske gets inspo
Update on Star Tours? - fireking7866
- Don’t have tech to do it well enough
Any updates on the money well thing? - _thepogfrog_
- Yes, Cam forgot about it, that is the update.
- Will do our best to get you something soon!!
- At the end of the day, you threw your money in out of your own free will!!! The original plan was that you would get nothing! Walle was going to take your coins and leave! He might just do that still!
- You WILL get something
Is auction still being developed? - Office4Life
- Yes, it will be coming within the next 2 months (before Christmas)
Any advancement on parades or is it on the back burner atm? (I'm betting it won't resume till after the holidays?) - Office4Life
- On the back-burner because there’s a lot of stuff in the works, can’t put a date on it yet but not going to happen before the end of the year
- A lot of work prior to getting the parade moving, it’s being slowly chipped away at
After the bugs with the mobility scooters are sorted and they work and they're added, will players eventually be able to buy and use a personal mobility scooter using in game currency? - The Laughing Burger
- No plan for this at the moment, the plan is that when they launch they’ll be scattered around the park and you can just walk up to one and get in. After you leave it alone for ~30 seconds it’ll teleport back to where it started
5 year plan? - Spooky Mineez
- “I barely plan 3 days in advance” -Cam
- There are tons of long-term goals, some have been discussed during this call and prior calls
Bedrock update? - fireking7866
- Not coming soon sorry!
- Working on it and waiting. Have done everything we can do so far
Can we get armor stands to work in the building of rooms? - GO-EZ
- Hadn’t thought about it but will see what we can do
Will there be any move to update the room building tools? Like from 12.1 to 19.1? - GO-EZ
- When we shift the server to a new version, everything will have to go at once (rides, main server, hotels, etc)
Building comps for hotels? - GO-EZ
- Yes, 100% will certainly have these regularly
- Will try to have as many events as possible with hotels to make them super interactive
- Will also try to change chat in hotels so you can toggle chat to just who’s in your hotel room to host events and such
How is the Meet and Greet server coming along? - Spooky Mineez
- Scrapped it, the world it was being built/developed on got corrupted ):
Whats your 5 hour plan?? - Ambi
- Cam will finish this meeting, work on changelog stuff for event, cook late dinner, then sleep because he has a healthy sleep schedule!
- This was amended in a future question
Couldn't yall make some kind of Multiple Hats Mod to be able to have more than hat on? - Mineez
- Unfortunately Minecraft is lame and limits us so this isn’t possible
- In 1.19 there’s some crazy stuff that lets you use chest slot to wear backpacks (instead of putting them on in head slot) so long-term goal is that we can support that
When will the next wave of hotel closed beta be released? - Laughing Burger
- Maybe in a week or two, no exact date
- Whenever the current group’s feedback has been processed thoroughly, controlled groups help a lot for allowing everyone’s thoughts and ideas to be fully read and taken into consideration
How many people in each wave - Spooky Mineez
- Around 42 accepted in the first wave (around 1/4 of the people who had signed up), will probably do another 40 next
Would a plugin that makes custom light colors be possible to make? - Faded
- No, will never be able to do this unless we were to make a custom client for the game which we will not be doing
You guys have new quests such as more fireside quests in the future right? - Maximus
- Yes, always working on more quests
When seasonal quests are opened again, (ex: Winter wonderland quest, Chinese new year quest) will we be able to take part in them a 2nd time? Will they be re-done and with a new item to receive? - Office4Life
- Aiming for new content for all of our holidays
Is there a way to earn more halloween tokens? Cause right now the biggest items seem impossible to obtain - ParzivalAFK
- Math checks out, will be fixing amount of tokens you get from rides, drop parties, etc. to make it possible to get max. items
- Cam’s 5 hour plan has changed, he will now be working on this
When will the token exchange shop open? - ItsWasowski
- Tomorrow (October 5th)
Pre-made Questions
Will friends be able to help you build?
- Sure hope so! Trying to figure it out but it’s complicated with the current system
Can we buy heads for our room?
- Do not have any plans to let you buy them because then you’d have them on the live server
How to control lighting?
- Working on a way for players to control lighting
How will it work?
- Explained earlier, will be around the park to hop on and go zooming
Will it cost money?
- No, free
Will you buy or rent it?
- No, free
- Also, no ride payout
Can you choose the color?
- Choose the color by clicking one that is the color you want!
- No ownership over a scooter
What happens if you go AFK on a scooter?
- Will make it so you can’t go AFK on them for a long amount of time so people don’t. hoard them
Will you get payout for the Sleeping Beauty Walkthrough?
- Mouske really wants this!! Don’t see why we wouldn’t, will need to think about restrictions to prevent people from getting longer payouts (potentially a set payout)
- Worst comes to worst, no payout but there will be some sort of leaderboard